Monday, June 17, 2013

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How does a (Digital) Single Lens Reflex camera work

Hey guys , How are things . Today in this first Post we'll be talking in a
simplifying way how a DSLR (or SLR) Cameras work , and how light
 travels from the lens to the Sensor (Film) ,if you already have a camera 
start by taking the lens of and discovering what's inside (be careful not to
 touch the sensor) and then continue reading the post.
 So first of all lets see the cameras parts,  I Brought a photo from wikipedia to show you the details ..
SLR Camera

lets see which is which: 1: Lens
                                       2: mirror
                                       3: Shutter
                                       4: Sensor (digital-or-film)
                                       5: focusing screen
                                       6: Condenser lens
                                       7: Pentamirror
                                       8: Viewfinder 
now the question is how does light go through the lens to end up in the viewfinder and when pressing the shutter release (button that take picture) how light forms the image we take .
First , light is driven through the lens and reflected by the movable mirror to be reflected twice by the Pentamirror (7) and then the viewfinder . but this doesn't allow us to take the shot , when you press the shutter release the movable mirror covers the focusing screen and immediately release the shutter so light could be read by the image sensor which will convert the light given into an image respecting some rules (we'll discuss the rules later in a new post) 
Hope you've enjoyed our first post  please if there any suggestion we'll be happy to read it in the comment section down below .   

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