Saturday, July 20, 2013

[Tutorial]How to Use Proxies

Before you can connect to your internet , your computer must first be assigned an IP address.
How does your computer get its IP address? , well it 's assigned by the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol a service running on the network. DHCP typically runs on network hardware such as routers.
An IP address function like an actual address because it tells exact location of your computer , this is the main reason why you can't access some websites or watch some videos if you are not connected from some specific locations likes US or UK...What is worse then that is someone get to know your IP address and  maybe he can manage to get access to your computer.
If you don't want websites and potential hackers know your location then one way to hide is by using a proxy . A proxy ip is an IP address of a server which filters all your internet traffic by using a different IP address so your real IP address is hiding , this method can prevent your computer from being traced and it's also a good way for accessing country specific sites without actually having to be in that country!

There are multiply ways to setup a proxy , the easiest way is to surf internet threw proxy site such as
proxify or hide my ass all you have to do is type the website click the button and you can view that website without they know your real IP address . To check if the proxy is working , first you need to know you real IP address for that you can go to this site what is my IP address and it will show your current IP address and your location then visit it again but using hide my ass and you will see that it shows a completely different IP address and a different location
Another way is by installing add-ins, there is the Foxy Proxy add-in for Mozilla Firefox and proxy switchy for Google chrome , go to the settings of the add-in and enter a proxy IP address to use, hide my ass provides a list of ip adresses and their ports.

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