Wednesday, June 26, 2013

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[ Thoughts ] Make Money With Your Friends Starting From 0$ Up To 1500$ .

Hey Geekinners, How are you ? ... I know You're Angry , we've been a little bit lazy these days , I've been sick lately and the other "writinners" were busy , but we've came back with a great idea you can use with your friend to make some money (Not from the internet) , Okey how does it work ? First it starts with you , you make a quick talk with 3 friends and convince them to give you some money (Let's say 50$ ) and explain the following :
  • Everyone has to bring 3 others who will give you 50$
  • After that your 3 friends have to Explain the same thing to the people they bring 
  • everyone of them has to bring 3 others but this time the money will be for the friend that brought them 
  • And it goes on 
You will gain :
50$ * 3 * 3 = 1350$
1350$ + 50$ * 3 = 1500$
With this money you can invest in a project to gain more , well this is just a way you can use to influence people to give you money then they will have to influence others until it stops in some rich stupid person 3:) ! 
it's legal , and fun but you have to be convincing so try to read some books on how to influence people in a conversation , and don't try this on people you love cause it will hurt them if they fail !
Geekinners, we are beginners ! 

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